Karen D. Savage


Karen D. Savage, Professor of the Department for Jazz Dance and Musical at the Folkwang University in Essen-Werden.

"Body stretch and floorbarre method"


Ms. Savage concept unites elements from Ballet lines, Modern dance structures positions and utilizing Pilates stretching and strengthening methods including well body awareness placement and internal connection particularly with the her Thera bands method .

This mix makes Ms. Savage Floor Barre an original concept for her floor work stretch and strengthen for dancers, and all interested to lear how to enhance their stretching. OPEN LEVEL!!!!


Date: 26.10.2019
Time: 11.00-13.00
Cost: 29 Euro (incl. MwSt)



WORKSHOP Pas de Deux-Dance for two with Lotta Svalberg und Pascal Sani 

Some words about Pas de Deux - Dance for two:
In order to dance with a partner one have to have the right supporting motion towards each other.

To breath together and learn to feel exactly what the dance partner on both behalfs needs in order to be lifted, turned or moved around in any other way.

Two people with one blending energie of cooperation in order to technically be able to achive to do the choreography in harmony. When that step has been achived the story has to be clear enough for the dancers so the audience can get involved and follows that exchange of energie.

Every partner is different, that is why Pas de Deux is so exciting ! One more person to get to know and involve in the dance. It is a great challange and way to open your awareness.

Termin: 27.10.2019
Uhrzeit: 11.00-12.30
Kosten: 29,- Euro (incl. MwSt)


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